Inspiring quote about gratitude

How is today treating you?

“No amount of regret will change your past. No amount of worry will change your future. But ANY amount of gratitude can change your right now.”

Hello Dearhearts,

How is today treating you? Or a different way to ask this question is how are YOU treating today?

Today IS a new day and, perhaps, you will take moments throughout it to be aware of what is going well, what is going right today.

When you take time for yourself to enjoy what IS beautiful you may experience your own Resurrection.

Our own thoughts, while numerous, can be slowed down and evaluated as to whether they are serving us.

Do you serve your thoughts or do you challenge yourself to have your thoughts serve you?

Gratitude is a starting point to identify your strengths and to challenge your worry and regret. From there you then have the ability to evaluate what direction you want to go next.

Life’s obstacles don’t have to be walls. Life’s obstacles can just be obstacles to work around or scenic detours to your destination.

What is your destination?

Is it to be a life filled with regret and worry?

Or would you be better served to have a life filled with gratitude and the possibility of New Thoughts and Right Actions.

If you’re ready to make a change. Reach out to me here.